November 15, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

This years annual Christmas Party is set for Thursday, December 13th and will begin at 6:00 pm at the First Presbyterian Church.  A sign-up sheet will be passed around to get a count for the meat dish.  The club will arrange for drinks, and Sneaky's Chicken and Ribs. There is a $10.00 charge per person to cover the cost of the meat and drinks and the rest of the event is potluck.  A to J bring potatoes, veggies, or deserts and everyone else bring salads or appetizers. All members and their family and friends are invited.

The program will feature Jesse Freeman, a photographer living in Tokyo, Japan.

Also, Doug Conrad will be putting together a slide show with music containing member photographs.  The slide show will be shown and looped during the meal.  The theme for the slideshow is "Thankful".

To participate please send your digital images to [email protected] and put Thankful in the subject line. If you have a title for the image that's fine but it's not necessary. Please submit your images no later than Saturday, December 1st.



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