August 14, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

  Studio PortraitStudio PortraitThank you, Doug Lee. Aluisius (Luis) Sudiarto will be the Sioux City Camera Club's guest speaker to kick off the 2018/19 season schedule Thursday, September 13, 2018 starting at 7:00 pm at the First Presbyterian Church, 6th and Nebraska Streets, Sioux City, Iowa.  The Sioux City Camera Club meets on the 2nd and last Thursday of each month at the First Presbyterian Church, 6th & Nebraska Streets, Sioux City, Iowa beginning in September and ending the second week in May 2019.

Luis Sudiarto's interest in photography started in grade school.  At the time, because of limited resources and opportunities, he learned photography by reading lots of books and magazines without necessarily having a camera to practice.  In addition, he says his parents wouldn't let him process rolls of film with similar subjects in the frame.  He started actively practicing photography in 2008 after getting his first digital camera, a Nikon D90.  Luis mostly shoots landscape and travel photos.  He still shoots Nikon and processes his photos with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

Luis currently resides in Sioux Falls, SD and works as a web/application developer and photographer.  You can see some of his work on his website at


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