February 14, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

The Sioux City Camera Club is pleased to host the 2020 N4C Convention September 10 - 12, 2020.

Education in the art and science of photography is the prime purpose for the conference as well as to promote fellowship among members and provide a pleasant gathering place to greet old friends and make new ones.  This is your conference!  Make it what you want.  Make it about you.  Think, Imagine, Create in Siouxland.  That's our mantra!

First time at an N4C conference?  Well it's all about our photography community.  We are one big family.  Everyone here loves photography and wants what's best for our passion.  It's about growing as an artist and being around like-minded people who share the same love and devotion you do.

If you are looking to become a better photographer and want to improve your photography skills, then come and enjoy a setting where you can network with peers and work side-by-side with some of the most knowledgeable photographers in our region.

Welcome to the Hilton Garden Inn Sioux Falls!Welcome to the Hilton Garden Inn Sioux Falls!Hilton Garden Inn Sioux Falls South Hotel is located at I-229 and Louise Avenue near the Empire Mall. Opened in 2009, the hotel is the premier property in Sioux Falls elite business and shopping district. The beautiful Hilton Garden Inn Sioux City Riverfront at 1132 Larson Park Rd., will be the host site and headquarters for all convention activities.  It's located right on the Mighty Missouri River where you can enjoy leisurely photo walks on a paved riverfront walking/biking trail or visit neighboring attractions such as the Anderson Dance Pavilion, Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center and the Sergeant Floyd Riverboat Museum.  A block of rooms have been reserved at a preferred rate for all N4C Convention guests. Planning your stay here will provide you with a more enjoyable and convenient experience and will be beneficial to the Sioux City Camera Club and N4C Convention.  To book your stay, call now at 712-255-4200 or make your reservation online.

Registration for this event is coming soon. The convention committees are working diligently wrapping up the slate of events that will include 7 field trips, 11 program sessions and 2 keynote speakers.  So stay tuned and save the date for September 10 - 12, 2020.  The Sioux City Camera Club is looking forward to seeing everyone there.






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